Mission Statement

The ACE Series on Higher Education publishes original, authoritative books by esteemed authors that reflect and advance ACE’s strategic commitments. These narratives are designed to affirm and strengthen public trust in postsecondary education; champion equity, access, and completion; and enrich the capacity of institutions and leaders to innovate and adapt.

  • Affirm and Strengthen Public Trust in Postsecondary Education. Deepen the public’s confidence in higher education by communicating its impact as a powerful engine of economic opportunity, social mobility, and a flourishing democracy, and encouraging member action around meaningful change.
  • The ACE Series on Higher Education Mission. Promote public policies and institutional practices that provide affordable, high-quality postsecondary education opportunities for all and expand flexible pathways for completion through innovative learning.
  • Enrich the Capacity of Institutions and Leaders to Innovate and Adapt. Cultivate programs and services to advance the success of senior leaders, expand learning networks to diversify and strengthen the talent pipeline, and facilitate regional and global partnerships to address complex challenges.

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