“Many observers have suggested that the world's various healthcare systems should be redesigned to improve both efficiency and effectiveness. Professor Radevic's analysis of Montenegro's healthcare system offers many valuable ideas for harmonizing organizational factors and processes to achieve efficiency and managing knowledge to increase effectiveness. His book highlights the importance of organizing in the delivery of healthcare services.”
— Charles Snow, The Pennsylvania State University
“Ivan Radevic brings together knowledge management, organizational design, and health services in a very interesting and extremely relevant context of one of the smallest countries in Europe: Montenegro. Knowledge management and organizational design offer potential significant improvements of health services in any country.”
— Børge Obel, Aarhus University
“A truly noteworthy endeavor of a publisher and author where by researching knowledge management and organizational design, the author eliminates doubts that need for management in the 21st century is obsolete. On the contrary, Knowledge Management and Organization: Healthcare Quality in Montenegro confirms the belief that with help of listed tools, reserves can be activated with the goal of higher quality functioning of the health system in accordance with the expectation of health service users.”
— Anđelko Lojpur, University of Montenegro
Brilliantly written! The scientific monograph “Knowledge Management and Organization: Healthcare Quality in Montenegro” provides the comprehensive coverage of both contemporary knowledge management and organizational experiences and capabilities and new concepts needed for the students and managers in practice of healthcare quality in an aging society and turbulent environment characterized by knowledge sharing, aging of societies, ethical issues, economic and general uncertainty.
— Sandra Penger, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
The book Knowledge Management and Organization: Healthcare Quality in Montenegro by Ivan Radevic is one of the first overall and profound analyses of the healthcare systems of the Western Balkans countries using the modern approaches in organizational design and knowledge management. Sophisticated methodology, and thorough empirical analysis brings the results that could serve the practitioners, academicians, and decision-makers to modernization of healthcare systems not only in Montenegro but also in other countries striving to design better healthcare systems.
— Vlado Dimovski, University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business