University Press Copublishing Division / University of Delaware Press
Pages: 286
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-61149-570-6 • Hardback • November 2015 • $121.00 • (£93.00)
978-1-61149-571-3 • eBook • November 2015 • $115.00 • (£88.00)
Melvyn New is professor emeritus at the University of Florida and general editor of the recently concluded Florida Edition of the Works of Laurence Sterne in nine volumes.
Judith Hawley is professor of eighteenth-century literature at Royal Holloway, University of London, and was a coorganizer of the Tercentenary Sterne Conference.
Peter de Voogd is professor emeritus of English at the University of Utrecht, founding editor of The Shandean, and coorganizer of the Tercentenary Sterne Conference.
List of Short Titles
Pat Rogers
1. Small Particles of Fame: Subjectivity, Celebrity, Sterne
Thomas Keymer
2. Bohemian Sterne
Elizabeth Kraft
3. Political Sterne
John Owen Havard
4. Laurence Sterne and Common Sense: Discursive Shifts in Eighteenth-Century English Culture
Christoph Henke
5. Anarchic Signification and Motions of Grace in Sterne’s Novelistic Satire
Donald R. Wehrs6. Sterne’s “Little Gentleman”: Tristram Shandy and the Male Participant in Childbirth
Ashleigh Blackwood7. Every Jerkin Has a Quicksilver Lining: Tristram's Rumpled Dualisms
Robert Chibka
8. Dolly’s Inch of Red Seal Wax, or, Impressing the Reader in Tristram Shandy
Amelia Dale
9. Fray Gerundio de Campazas and Tristram Shandy: Convergent Cervantine Novels?
Artem Serebrennikov
10. Yorick’s Ethnographic Journey
Ray McDermott
11. The Masquerade Metaphor and the Paradoxes of Sentiment in A Sentimental Journey
Jakub Lipski
12. The Poetics of the Passport in A Sentimental Journey
Stephanie DeGooyer
13. Laurence Sterne and the Aesthetics of Everyday Life
Brian Michael Norton
Works Cited
This collection epitomizes not just the state of Sterne scholarship but of literary scholarship in our critical moment. What comes forth is not simply a group of essays that add texture and dimension to an artist and corpus of work growing in stature, but also is an exemplar of how eighteenth-century studies is broadening our understanding of history, art and aesthetics, philosophy, gender studies, and social sciences.
— New Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century
Sterne, Tristram, Yorick honours Sterne’s legacy, both literary and cultural, and offers a valuable snapshot of Sterne studies today.
— Eighteenth-Century Fiction
[T]he reader of this volume can conclude that Sterne studies are much more healthy and robust than their object of study ever was. Three hundred years after his birth, he retains his capacity to fascinate readers, compelling serious engagement and inspiring laughter, providing a node around which readers organise their mental, social, ethical, and, in many cases, professional lives.
— The Shandean