Globe Pequot / Pineapple Press
Pages: 112
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-56164-679-1 • Paperback • March 2014 • $7.95 • (£5.99)
978-1-56164-732-3 • eBook • March 2014 • $7.50 • (£5.99)
Suzy Cain holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Florida Atlantic University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Florida. She was once a ghost tour guide in St. Augustine, where she learned these wonderful stories. Suzy and her family live in Wellington, New Zealand. Dianne Jacoby, a fourth-generation Floridian living in St. Augustine, is an actress and historical dramatist. Previously an adjunct professor of art at Flagler College, Dianne now coordinates Stetson University's Elderhostel/Road Scholar programs in St. Augustine.