Globe Pequot / Lyons Press
Pages: 256
978-1-4930-3376-8 • eBook • April 2018 • $26.50 • (£19.99)
Robert H. Busch is the author of eight books on natural history, including the The Cougar Almanac. His writing has appeared in Nature Canada, Wildlife Conservation, Discovery, and Country Journal. The reviser for this edition is Jim Yuskavitch, the author of In Wolf Country.
"No other wolf resource offers this level of detail. Evolution, distribution, anatomy, physiology are illuminated." --Whole Earth Review
"The Wolf Almanac is a splendid reference guide--as handy as it is scholarly and comprehensive." --Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, author of The Hidden Life of Dogs—
"This book, especially the subject of reintroduction, ought to be required reading for all those concerned with wildlife conservation." --American Zoological Association Communique—
"The worldwide decline of the wolf parallels the decline of our humanity. The fate of the wolf will be the fate of civilization. The Wolf Almanac is an inspiration to us all to help save the wolf, and by doing so, save the spirit of civilization and humanity." --Dr. Michael W. Fox, author of The Soul of the Wolf—