Lexington Books
Pages: 332
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7391-6653-6 • Hardback • December 2011 • $150.00 • (£115.00)
978-0-7391-6654-3 • eBook • December 2011 • $142.50 • (£110.00)
Christopher Ford is senior fellow and Director of the Center for Technology and Global Security at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. Amichai Cohen is senior lecturer with the Faculty of Law at Ono Academic College in Israel.
Contributors: Amichai Cohen; Steven David; Christopher Ford; Jeremy Rabkin; Juan Carlos Gómez Ramirez; Elizabeth Samson; Yuval Shany; John H. Shenefield; Ariel Zemach
Introduction- Rethinking Armed Conflict in an Age of Terrorism
by Christopher A. Ford
Chapter One- The Law that Turned Against Its Drafters: Guerrilla-Combatants and the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions
by Ariel Zemach
Chapter Two- The Strange Pretensions of Contemporary Humanitarian Law
by Jeremy Rabkin
Chapter Three- Targeted Killing: The Israeli Experience
by Steven David
Chapter Four- Guarding the Guards in the War on Terrorism
by Yuval Shany
Chapter Five- The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Puzzle: We Know How We Got Here—Now, What Do We Do?
by John H. Shenefield
Chapter Six- Terrorism-related Adjudication
by Amichai Cohen
Chapter Seven- Necessity, Proportionality, and the Distinction in Non-Traditional Conflicts: The Unfortunate Case Study of the Goldstone Report
by Elizabeth Samson
Chapter Eight- Confronting Terrorism: Human Rights Law, or the Law of War?
by Juan Carlos Gomez Ramirez
Chapter Nine- Living in the 'New Normal': Modern War, Nonstate Actors, and the Future of Law
by Christopher A. Ford
Chapter Ten- Some Conclusions and Thoughts for the Future
by Amichai Cohen
About the Authors
Ford and Cohen have gathered leading experts under ‘one roof’ examining anew armed conflict in the age of terrorism. The book's significance is in its successful illumination of how different countries confront similar issues. The comparative approach is extraordinarily important and this volume will make an important contribution for scholars and policy makers alike.
— Amos N. Guiora, University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law
Slowly—perhaps too slowly—we are beginning to appreciate that post-September 11 responses to the threat posed by international terrorism differ in neither kind nor degree as compared to prior societal responses to violent crises. In this volume, Ford and Cohen have amassed a series of insightful essays by a wide-ranging group of interdisciplinary experts that both embrace and further develop this insight. To that end, although the essays contained herein run the gamut of substantive counterterrorism policies, each offers different ways in which we might reorient debates about the role that law can and should play going forward. The longer that governments continue to claim extraordinary counterterrorism powers, the more it will behoove us (and them) to take these essays seriously, and to fight against the notion that liberty and security are a zero-sum game.
— Stephen I. Vladeck, American University
In this thoughtful and illuminating compilation, several of the most burning questions of national security are addressed from a wide variety of viewpoints. Anyone interested in contemporary dilemmas of regulating warfare and counterterrorism will find something in this book that would force them to rethink conventional wisdoms.
— Gabriella Blum, Harvard University