Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 320
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-0-7425-0041-9 • Paperback • August 2000 • $54.00 • (£42.00)
Enrique (Henry) T. Trueba is Rubén E. Hinojosa Regents Professor in the College of Education at the University of Texas, Austin.
Lilia I. Bartolomé is associate professor in the Graduate College of Education at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Some Conceptual Considerations in the Interdisciplinary Study of Immigrant Children
Chapter 3 Critical Ethnography for the Study of Immigrants
Chapter 4 Proposition 227 and Bilingual Education in a Transnational Community
Chapter 5 Ideological Baggage in the Classroom: Resistance and Resilience Among Latino Bilingual Students and Teachers
Chapter 6 Multicultural Education in Primary Schools in Almería, Spain
Chapter 7 Linking Sociocultural Contexts to Classroom Practices: Language Identity in a Bilingual Hungarian-Slovak School in Slovakia
Chapter 8 Wanting to Go On: Healing and Transformation at an Urban Public University
Chapter 9 Disabling Institutions: Irreconcilable Laws
Chapter 10 The Voice of a Chinese Immigrant in America: Self-identity and Academic Achievement
Chapter 11 Intra-ethnic Mexican and Mexican-American Conflicts: Narratives of Oppression and Struggle for Daily Subsistence
Chapter 12 The Use of Cultural Resilience in Overcoming Contradictory Encounters in Academia: A Personal Narrative
Chapter 13 Confronting the Walls: Border Crossing, Gender Differences, and Language Learning in Academe
Chapter 14 Myth or Reality: Publish or Perish
Chapter 15 Reflections about Message: Beyond the Politics of Schools and the Rhetoric of Fashionable Pedagogies
This volume is very useful to the reader who isn't in the center of the controversies about critical ethnography, but who is interested in educational equity for immigrants.
— George D. Spindler, Stanford University
Trueba and Bartolome have collected some very powerful stories by scholars of color. Their recollections evoke powerful images of a racialized, White-dominated academy that produces 'academic wetbacks' who must struggle for dignity and equality. We must all work harder to address these troubling accounts.
— Douglas Foley, University of Texas in Austin
The contributors to Immigrant Voices present readers with a unique blend of theoretical analyses and remarkably personal narratives of immigrants struggling "to come to voice" within institutional contexts dominated by mainstream discourses. Given the variety of topics explored and the range of styles in which they are presented,Immigrant Voices is a text that speaks to a wide audience of readers including pre-service and in-service teachers working in multi-cultural schools as well as researchers and policymakers interested in understanding the nature of the work students and teachers do in attempting to negotiate the meaning of cultural differences. Perhaps the most valuable contribution this book makes, however, is to readers wishing to better understand and strategically negotiate their own place as underrepresented faculty members in institutions of higher education. In this regard, by sharing their own experiences, the authors have graciously provided those of us who are, or wish to be, academics with a rare map of the cultural typography of university life.
— Anthropology & Education Quarterly
Articles focus on critical ethnography, bilingual education, classroom practice, research agendas, teacher ideology, and many other areas. They illustrate the powerfully racialized nature of the Whitedominated academy in the USA in particular, providing these scholars with the space to voice these experiences.
— Race Relations Abstracts
This book offers views from inside communities, comparisons with immigration in other societies, reflections of Latino scholars who are both part of the transformation and are trying to explain it to the rest of society, and suggestions for needed changes in American education. It is a solid and much needed contribution.
— Gary Orfield, Harvard University