Digital Catalogs | Rowman & Littlefield
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Rowman & Littlefield Catalogs

Catalogs by Subject / Rowman & Littlefield

African Studies 2023-2024   / IC: 4F23AFRICA
American Politics 2024-2025   / IC: 4F24AMPO
Animal Studies 2023   / IC:4F23ANIM
Anthropology & Archaeology 2023-2024   / IC: 4F23ANAR
Archival Professionals 2023   / IC: 4S23ARCHIVAL
Art Studies 2024   / IC: 4S24ART
Asian Studies 2024   / IC: 4S24ASIA
Business & Finance 2023   / IC: 7A23BUSI
Communication, Media, & Journalism 2024-2025   / IC: 4F24COMM
Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding, & Mediation 2024   / IC: 4S24CRCAT
Criminology & Criminal Justice 2023-2024  / IC: 4F23CRIM
Higher Education: New Titles Spring 2024   / IC: 6S24HIED
Education: K-12 School Administrators/Teachers 2023  / IC: 6S23K12CAT
Education: Special Education 2024   / IC: 4S24SPED
Education: K-12 Counseling & Psychology Professionals   / IC: 4S24COUNPSY
Environmental Studies 2024   / IC: 4S24ENVI
European & Russian Studies 2023-2024    / IC: 4F23EURO
Family & Relationships 2023   / IC: 4F23FAM
Food & Agriculture Studies 2024   / IC: 4S24FOOD
Film & Television 2024   / IC: 4S24FITV
Geography 2024   / IC: 4S24GEOG
American History 2024   / IC: 4S24AHIS
History Fall 2023 - Spring 2024  / IC: 7F23HIST
World & International History 2024  / IC: 4S24WHIS
International Studies 2024  / IC: 4S24INTL
Latin American & Caribbean Studies 2024   / IC: 4S24LAS
Library & Information Services Spring 2024  / IC: 7S24LISCAT
Literature 2024  / IC: 4S24LIT
Military Studies 2023   / IC: 4F23MILI
Museums & Archives Professionals 2024   / IC: 4S24MUSEUM
Music Professionals 2024   / IC: 4S24MUSE
Performing & Visual Arts Catalog 2023   / IC: 7F23PER
Philosophy 2023-2024   / IC: 4F23PHIL
Philosophy Spring 2023  / IC: 4S23PHIL
Pop Culture 2024 / IC: 7A24POP
Psychotherapy & Counseling 2024  / IC: 4S24MHP
Religion 2023-2024 / IC: 4F23RELG
Sociology 2024-2025  / IC: 4F24SOC
Sports 2024 / IC: 7A24SPORTS
Women’s & Gender Studies 2023-2024 IC: 4F23WOMEN

Lexington Books Catalogs

Catalogs by Subject / Lexington Books

African Studies 2023  / IC: 8F23AFR
Anthropology 2023  / IC: 8F23ANTH
Communication Spring 2024 / IC: 8S24COM
Communications 2023  / IC: 8F23COM
Cultural Studies 2024  / IC: 8S24CULT
Economics 2023  / IC: 8F23ECON
Education 2024 / IC: 8S24EDU
Environmental Studies 2024  / IC: 8S24ENVRN
Gender & Sexuality Studies 2023  / IC: 8F23GEN
History 2024  / IC: 8S24HIS
History Fall 2023 / IC: 8F23HIS
International Studies 2024 / IC: 8S24INTL
Jewish Studies 2023 / IC: 8F23JS
Legal Studies 2024 / IC: 8S24LGL
Linguistics 2024 / IC: 8S24LING
Literary Studies 2024  / IC: 8S24LIT
Literary Studies Fall 2023  / IC: 8F23LIT
Music Studies 2024  / IC: 8F24MUS
Continental Philosophy Fall 2024 
/ IC: 8F24PHIL
Philosophy 2024  / IC: 8S24PHIL
Political Science & International Relations 2024  / IC: 8F24POL
Political Science: American Government & Political Theory 2024  / IC: 8S24AMPT
Psychology 2024  / IC: 8F24PSYCH
Race & Ethnicity 2024 / IC: 8S24RACE
Religion Fall 2023  / IC: 8F23REL
Religion Spring 2024  / IC: 8S24REL
Slavic Studies 2023  / IC: 8F23SLAV
Sociology 2024 / IC: 8F24SOC

Special Imprint and Partner Catalogs

Rowman & Littlefield Special Collections Catalogs

Spring 2024 General Interest    / IC: 7S24GEN
Fall 2024 General Interest/ IC: 7F24GEN
Current Events & Politics 2024   / IC: 7S24POLI
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion 2024  / IC: 4S24DEI
Health and Wellness 2024   / IC: 7S24HEAL
High School 2024 / IC: 7F24GNHS
Reference Catalog 2024   / IC: 4S24REF
The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook Series 2024  / IC: 4F24RLHBK
Security & Professional Intelligence Education Series (S.P.I.E.S.)  / IC: 4S24SPIES
True Crime 2024   / IC: 7S24TRU
World Today Series 2024-2025   / IC: 6S24STK1
View International Sales Guides

Special Imprint and Partner Catalogs

Partner & Additional Imprint Catalogs

Alban Congregational Resources 2024   / IC: 4S24ALBAN
American Alliance of Museums 2023-2024   / IC: 4F23AAM
American Association for State & Local History Books 2024   / IC: RLAASLH24
Brookings Institution Press® 2023-24   / IC: 4F23BIP
Brookings Institution Press® Foreign Policy 2023   / IC: 4F23BIPFR
Brookings Institution Press® Business & Society 2024   / IC: 4S24BIPBS
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press 2023  / IC: 8S23FDUP
Hamilton Books 2024   / IC: 1F24HAM
Hamilton Books Fall 2023   / IC: 1F23HAM
Hamilton Books Spring 2023   / IC: 1S23HAM
National Association for Music Education 2023-24   / IC: 6F23NAFME

Bernan Press Catalog

Bernan Press Catalogs

Bernan Press Spring 2024   / IC: BS24CAT1
Bernan Press Fall 2024  / IC: BF24CAT2
Emergency Preparedness 2023   / IC: BF23PREP
Environmental Protection 2023  / IC: BS23EPA
Chase's Calendar of Events 2025  / IC: B24GCHASE
U.S. Demographic Resources Brochure 2023  / IC: BF23USDEM
U.S. Government Information Catalog 2024   / IC: BS24USGOV
Statistical Abstract Brochure 2024  / IC: B23GSTAT
Code of Federal Regulations Brochure 2023  / IC: BF23CFR  

Globe Pequot Catalogs

Globe Pequot Imprint Catalogs 

Falcon Guides 2023 Frontlist Supplement  / IC: FALSUP23
Falcon Guides 2022   / IC: FALCON22
Children's Catalog 2022-2023
Northeast U.S. 2023-24   / IC: NTHEST24
Fishing & Hunting 2022 - 2023   / IC: FISH2023
History Catalog 2023   / IC: HISCAT23
Southeast U.S. 2023 Supplement   / IC: STHEST23
North Country Comprehensive Backlist Book Guide   / IC: NTHCNTRY23 
Globe Pequot's Comprehensive Backlist Book Guide  

General Interest Catalog

>> View Fall 2024 General Interest Nonfiction

Reference Catalog

>> View 2024 Reference

Freud Set Preview

>> View the Freud 24-Volume Set

IC = Inventory Code: Catalogs with inventory codes may be ordered in a physical form from Customer Service. 
  PROMO CODES: These catalogs are for browsing. Please note that the back cover of each catalog contains specific expiration dates for promotional codes.