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The completed proposal form

A detailed table of contents

One or two sample chapters (preferred), or previously published articles in the same vein of research

Your curriculum vitae


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  1. Your name, email address, and professional affiliation.
  2. The working title of your project.
  3. A short description that succinctly states the argument of the book (1-3 sentences).
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  5. A description of your target audience.
  6. A list of competing or similar books (including publishers and dates) and how your project differs from them.
  7. A list of courses in which your book might be used as a text or supplementary text.
  8. An indication of whether any part of your manuscript has been published previously.
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  10. The length of the manuscript in 12-point type on double-spaced 8 1/2” by 11” pages.
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  12. An indication of whether the manuscript is under consideration by other publishers.
  13. An indication if you intend to use any figures or tables. If so, how many?
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