1/27/2019: Insights from Tsedale M. Melaku, author of “You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer,” are included in this Noam Scheiber and John Eligon New York Times feature story, “Elite Law Firm’s All-White Partner Class Stirs Debate on Diversity.” Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/27/us/paul-weiss-partner-diversity-law-firm.html1/31/2019, Tweet by Noam Scheiber: "There's a ton of wisdom and insight in here--not just about the legal profession, but about race and gender in the workplace generally." Link: https://twitter.com/noamscheiber/status/1090987038143401984
4/24/19: Our newest 3 Questions Q&A features "You Don't Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism" author Tsedale M. Melaku. Link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-questions-qa-tsedale-m-melaku-deborah-hudson/8/7/2019: Read author Tsedale M. Melaku's new op-e in Harvard Business Review: "Why Women and People of Color in Law Still Hear 'You Don't Look Like a Lawyer.'"Link: https://hbr.org/2019/08/why-women-and-people-of-color-in-law-still-hear-you-dont-look-like-a-lawyer#comment-section10/22/2019: Read Tsedale Melaku's new interview on Urban Faith: "Rosy Image of US Equality Glosses Over Systemic Racism."Link: https://urbanfaith.com/2019/10/rosy-image-of-us-equality-glosses-over-systemic-racism.html/5/21/19, Birmingham Times: Author Tsedale Melaku & lawyers featured in the book are profiled in depth in this article in @BhamTimes on creating supportive networks & mentorships for women of color in the legal profession. Link: http://www.birminghamtimes.com/2020/05/mentorship-help-black-women-thrive-in-legal-profession/6/25/2020: Author Tsedale M. Melaku co-wrote article heavily featuring book for the Harvard Business Review, “Academia Isn’t a Safe Haven for Conversations About Race and Racism.”
Link: https://hbr.org/2020/06/academia-isnt-a-safe-haven-for-conversations-about-race-and-racism
6/29/2020: Author interviewed on podcast New Books Network.
Link: https://player.fm/series/new-books-network-2472510/tsedale-melaku-you-dont-look-like-a-lawyer-black-women-and-systemic-gendered-racism-rowman-and-littlefield-2019
8/7/20: Fortune included book in list, “18 Anti-Racist Books that Aren’t ‘White Fragility.’”
Link: https://fortune.com/2020/08/07/18-anti-racist-books-white-fragility/
10/13/20: Harvard Business Review published author’s latest piece on book topic, “Be a Better Ally.”
Link: https://hbr.org/2020/11/be-a-better-ally
12/3/20: The Columbus Dispatch quoted book and author in article “Facing racism and assumptions: Black women lawyers still often the 'only' one in the room.”
Link: https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2020/12/03/black-women-lawyers-ohio-still-underrepresented-field/3628409001/
1/15/21, Inside Higher Ed: You Don't Look Like a Lawyerc is featured with some bestselling books in this University of Venus "Best Books of 2020" list. Link: https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/university-venus/best-books-2020
2/24/21, Teen Vogue: Article prominently features author and book.
Link: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/black-women-prosecutors-racism-sexism
2/3/22, Boston Globe: Author Tsedale Melaku was included in an article on the SCOTUS nominees, “The extra unseen talent of Biden's Supreme Court nominee and all Black women in law.”
Link: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/02/03/opinion/extra-unseen-talent-bidens-supreme-court-nominee-all-black-women-law/
2/14/24, Bloomberg Law: Tsedale M. Melaku is quoted in this article on the need to change terms used in court. The book is mentioned.
Link: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/legal-ops-and-tech/master-term-use-should-end-aba-says-city-accuracy-slavery
1/27/2019: Insights from Tsedale M. Melaku, author of “You Don’t Look Like a Lawyer,” are included in this Noam Scheiber and John Eligon New York Times feature story, “Elite Law Firm’s All-White Partner Class Stirs Debate on Diversity.” Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/27/us/paul-weiss-partner-diversity-law-firm.html1/31/2019, Tweet by Noam Scheiber: "There's a ton of wisdom and insight in here--not just about the legal profession, but about race and gender in the workplace generally." Link: https://twitter.com/noamscheiber/status/1090987038143401984
4/24/19: Our newest 3 Questions Q&A features "You Don't Look Like a Lawyer: Black Women and Systemic Gendered Racism" author Tsedale M. Melaku. Link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-questions-qa-tsedale-m-melaku-deborah-hudson/8/7/2019: Read author Tsedale M. Melaku's new op-e in Harvard Business Review: "Why Women and People of Color in Law Still Hear 'You Don't Look Like a Lawyer.'"Link: https://hbr.org/2019/08/why-women-and-people-of-color-in-law-still-hear-you-dont-look-like-a-lawyer#comment-section10/22/2019: Read Tsedale Melaku's new interview on Urban Faith: "Rosy Image of US Equality Glosses Over Systemic Racism."Link: https://urbanfaith.com/2019/10/rosy-image-of-us-equality-glosses-over-systemic-racism.html/6/25/2020: Author Tsedale M. Melaku co-wrote article heavily featuring book for the Harvard Business Review, “Academia Isn’t a Safe Haven for Conversations About Race and Racism.”
Link: https://hbr.org/2020/06/academia-isnt-a-safe-haven-for-conversations-about-race-and-racism
6/29/2020: Author interviewed on podcast New Books Network.
Link: https://player.fm/series/new-books-network-2472510/tsedale-melaku-you-dont-look-like-a-lawyer-black-women-and-systemic-gendered-racism-rowman-and-littlefield-2019
8/7/20: Fortune included book in list, “18 Anti-Racist Books that Aren’t ‘White Fragility.’”
Link: https://fortune.com/2020/08/07/18-anti-racist-books-white-fragility/
10/13/20: Harvard Business Review published author’s latest piece on book topic, “Be a Better Ally.”
Link: https://hbr.org/2020/11/be-a-better-ally
12/3/20: The Columbus Dispatch quoted book and author in article “Facing racism and assumptions: Black women lawyers still often the 'only' one in the room.”
Link: https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2020/12/03/black-women-lawyers-ohio-still-underrepresented-field/3628409001/
1/15/21, Inside Higher Ed: You Don't Look Like a Lawyerc is featured with some bestselling books in this University of Venus "Best Books of 2020" list. Link: https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/university-venus/best-books-2020
2/24/21, Teen Vogue: Article prominently features author and book.
Link: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/black-women-prosecutors-racism-sexism
2/3/22, Boston Globe: Author Tsedale Melaku was included in an article on the SCOTUS nominees, “The extra unseen talent of Biden's Supreme Court nominee and all Black women in law.”
Link: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/02/03/opinion/extra-unseen-talent-bidens-supreme-court-nominee-all-black-women-law/
2/14/24, Bloomberg Law: Tsedale M. Melaku is quoted in this article on the need to change terms used in court. The book is mentioned.
Link: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/legal-ops-and-tech/master-term-use-should-end-aba-says-city-accuracy-slavery