Foreword by Benjamin J. Evans, Johnny Faulkner, and Amy Smith
Part I: Paradoxes of Mental Health/Illness: Philosophy and Theory
Chapter 1: The Paradox of Mental Health: On the Limits of Living Consciously
Chapter 2: Believing is Seeing: Exploring the Limits of Knowing
Chapter 3: Before the Beginning
Chapter 4: Contributions from Social Science and Mental Health Professionals
Chapter 5: On the Clinical Bias
Chapter 6: Conceptual Bites in Summary of the Paradox
Chapter 7: Wondering
Part II: Systemic and Social Constructionist Concepts for Therapy
Chapter 8: About Systems Theory, Constructivism, and Social Constructionism.
Chapter 9: Requiem for Systemic Marital and Family Therapy
Chapter 10: The Ecosystemic Story: Implications for Therapists
Chapter 11: Reflections on Values in Systems Theory and Social Constructionism
Chapter 12: A Story about Systemic and Social Constructionist Therapy
Chapter 13: Afterword
About the Authors