1.Haunting Lazarus: John 11:1–12:11
Jione Havea
2.Dare to Hear
Aruna Gogulamanda, Anna Jane Lagi, John Robert Lee, Chad Rimmer, Karen Georgia A. Thompson
rereading (from) public spaces
3.The Bible in Public Places: A Zambian Pentecostal Woman’s Critique of Rev Sumaili’s Use of the Bible
Mutale Mulenga-Kaunda
4.Quest for Life: A Postcolonial Dalit Feminist Reading of Qoheleth
Jasmine Devadason
5.Engaging Death Publicly: Rereading John 11:38–44 in the Philippines
Maria Fe (Peachy) Labayo
6.Uncovering Mālie in the Bible: Humoring Public Spaces
Brian Fiu Kolia
rereading (with) missioned bodies
7.Reimagining Mission in the Context of British Colonial Rule in Mizoram
Lalmuanpuii Hmar
8.Deposing “Massa Jesus”: “Magnificat” Moments Amongst a Colonial Mission Archive
Peter Cruchley
9.Brit(ish) Public Liberation Theology: An (Im)migrant’s Proposal
Raj Bharat Patta
10.Rising to Life: A Syrophoenician Woman Invites Jesus to Do Public Theology
Ericka Shawndricka Dunbar
rereading (across) broad technologies
11.Technology, Caste-bodies and Labour: Thinking with Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Leisure
Shiju Sam Varughese
12.Political Theology of Inter-carnation: Being-Human in the Development of Science and Technology
Park, Iljoon
13.Aboriginal Mural of Atayal and Ethics of Sight
Su-Chi Lin
14.Does the Wind Speak? An Aeolian Listening to Ruach in Exodus 1–18 with Fairoz Ahmad’s Interpreter of Winds (2019)
LIM Chin Ming Stephen
15.Rise Up and Stir: Doing Theology in Public Spaces
Michael N. Jagessar