Chapter One: Decolonialism and Postcolonialism in Intellectual Discourse: Method in Political Theology & Developing World Liberation Theologies
Chapter Two: Toward the Intellectual and Political Life: Intellectual Foundations for Aristide’s Political Theory and Democratic Participation
Chapter Three: Biblical and Theological Foundations for Aristide’s Political Theology and Hermeneutics
Chapter Four: Toward a Politico-Theology of Relationality and Justice as Solidarity
Chapter Five: Aristide and Critical (Theological) Anthropology and Ethics
Chapter Six: Connecting Democracy and Human Freedom with the Ethics of Ubuntu
Chapter Seven: Ubuntu as a Humanism of Love and Interdependence: Aristide’s Theology of Love and Relationality
Chapter Eight: Theology, Retributive Justice, and Violence in the Struggle for Democracy in Haiti
Conclusion: Haiti After Aristide: Hope for a New Future in the 21st Century
Appendix I: Selected Documents of Universal Catholic Social Teaching
Appendix II: English Translation of Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s famous Pere Lebrun Speech (Sept. 27, 1991)
Appendix III: “One Step at a Time: An interview with Jean-Bertrand Aristide” (July 2006)