Part 1: Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and the Empowerment of the (Female) Worker
1.Overview of Catholic Social Teaching
2.Populorum Progressio, Laborem Exercens, and the Evolution of Catholic Social Teaching
3.African Bishops on Workers’ Empowerment
4.Evaluation of Catholic Social Teaching on Workers’ Empowerment
Conclusion to Part 1
Part 2: The Reality of Women’s Work in Cameroon
5.Feminist Criticism of Neoclassical Economics
6.General Characteristics of Women’s Work
7.The Reality of Women’s Work in Cameroon
Conclusion to Part 2
Part 3: Elements of a Gendered African Social Ethics on Labor
8.African Liberation Theology and Women’s Work
9.Key Elements of a Gendered African Social Ethics
Conclusion to Part 3
Part 4: Empowering Working Women: Concepts and Practices
10.On Empowerment
11.Looking at Concrete Practices
Conclusion to Part 4