This erudite yet accessible book assembles an impressive array of experts from different Christian traditions to present convincing arguments for the deification of the Christian in Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox thought. It will meet a pressing need on the academic level but beyond that also has the potential to nourish the Christian reader's faith.
— Norman Russell, University of Oxford; author of The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition
This mature study of deification, the work of scholars who have “dug deep” to render their own tradition’s view of deification, is a both a gift and a provocation to all seeking greater unity among Christians.
— Daniel Keating, Sacred Heart Major Seminary; author of Deification and Grace (Introductions to Catholic Theology)
The doctrine of deification has been alternately championed or impugned as a unique feature of Eastern Orthodox theology and practice. In fact, Roman Catholicism and many Protestant traditions have developed this soteriological motif from scripture as well: in various ways, they worshipfully confess how in the eternal Son, God has freely adopted a people to unite with himself in communion. This welcome volume deepens the ongoing conversation about salvation and deification in a wide range of Christian traditions.
— J. Todd Billings, Western Theological Seminary; author of Calvin, Participation, and the Gift: The Activity of Believers in Union with Christ
[The] appearance of this volume illuminates just how much the Reformation churches have to offer the church and the academic community on the topic, and indeed how much more work remains to be done by those who have historically embraced it. All in all, this volume recommends itself to virtually any reader who is engaged in the spiritual and intellectual life of the church both historical and present, and can benefit them all. Whether systematic and historical theologians, ecumenists, and, perhaps more importantly, seminarians and those who are training them, all stand to learn from this exemplary volume.
— Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses