Part I. Reading Pauline Participation through a Patristic Lens: Methodological Considerations
Chapter 1: The Methodological Challenge of Anachronism
Chapter 2: Reading Paul Through a Patristic Lens: Recent Examples
Part II. Pauline Participation in Its First Century Setting
Chapter 3: Paul’s Language of Κοινωνία
Chapter 4: Participation “in Christ,” Galatians 4:19, and Christ Formed “in” Believers
Chapter 5: Participation, the Spirit, and 1 Cor 3:16-17
Chapter 6: The Spirit and Participation in Romans 5:5 and 8:15
Chapter 7: A Synthesis of Findings on Pauline Participation
Part III. Participation in Patristic Writings: Forays into Patristic Participation: Select Passages From Irenaeus, Origen, Athanasius, and Cyril of Alexandria
Chapter 8: Patristic Participation and Its Function in Divinization
Chapter 9: Irenaeus and Participation in Against the Heretics, 3.18.7
Chapter 10: Origen and Participation in Commentary on Romans 5:5
Chapter 11: Athanasius and Participation in the Letter to Serapion 1.24
Chapter 12: Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on Isaiah 4.2.
Chapter 13: A Summary of Findings on Patristic Participation
IV. Conclusions
Chapter 14: Patristic Writers in Dialogue with Paul
About the Author