Lexington Books / Fortress Academic
Pages: 144
Trim: 6⅜ x 9
978-1-9787-0330-8 • Hardback • October 2018 • $117.00 • (£90.00)
978-1-9787-0331-5 • eBook • October 2018 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
M. Douglas Meeks is the Cal Turner Chancellor Professor of Theology and Wesleyan Studies, Emeritus, at Vanderbilt University Divinity School.
Preface —M. Douglas Meeks
1. Accounting for the Hope: How Moltmann’s Theology Provokes a Rehearing of the Gospel, the Adventus/Futurum Distinction a Half Century Later — Christopher Morse
2. Expectation — Nancy Elizabeth Bedford
3. Christus Semper Maior: Reflections on Cosmic Christology — Daniel Migliore
4. Time, Eternity, and the Prospects for Care — Miroslav Volf
5. The Coming Spirit of Theology: Moltmann, Pneumatology, and Trinitarian Eschatology for the Third Millennium — Amos Yong
6. Real Possibilities: Moltmann’s Hope, Now — Catherine Keller
7. Jürgen Moltmann and the Quest for a Listening Subject — Willie James Jennings
8. Economy and the Future of Christian Theology — M. Douglas Meeks
9. An Inter-religious Kairos Moment: Christian-Muslim Relations in an Age of Migration — Joshua Ralston
This collection of essays on the impact of J. Moltmann on the future direction of theology is more than timely. As Christian theology is struggling to engage with disciplines other than philosophy—its traditional partner-in-dialogue—to respond to the needs of our time, Jürgen Moltmann and the Work of Hope shows us where Christian hope lies and how to find inspiration and sustenance from it in doing theology. I most enthusiastically recommend it to readers in and outside the church.— Peter C. Phan, Georgetown University
These essays beautifully demonstrate what it means to do theology in the wake of Jürgen Moltmann’s influence. At the heart of Moltmann’s theology is "the new thing" — the anticipated, hoped for reality that births new beginnings here and now. Written by leading theologians, the essays in this volume have this character. They are themselves new beginnings of theological reflection attentive to the pressing concerns of our time. They will make you want to read more extensively, think more courageously, and most importantly, live God’s future now.
Jennifer M. McBride, author of Radical Discipleship: A Liturgical Politics of the Gospel (2017)
— Jennifer M. McBride, McCormick Theological Seminary and President, International Bonhoeffer Society, English Language Section
As the list of contributors would suggest, this collection testifies to the scope, vitality, and fruitfulness of Jürgen Moltmann’s influence on contemporary Christian theology. These are lively and provocative reflections, offering new possibilities for theological exploration.
— Charles M. Wood, Southern Methodist University