Chapter 1: Political Polarization and Cannabis Legalization by Paul Musgrave and Clyde Wilcox
Chapter 2: The Cannabis Strain: Marijuana Prohibition in an Age of Police Defunding by Robert Hardaway
Chapter 3: Seeing Through the Haze: Using Intersectionality to Reveal Systematic Differences in Support for Marijuana Decriminalization by Geoffrey Whitebread
Chapter 4: The Politics of Marijuana, Immigration, and Latinos by Joe R. Tafoya and Melissa R. Michelson
Chapter 5: Implementing Social Equity: Opportunities and Challenges from Marijuana Legalization in Massachusetts by Jeffrey Moyer
Chapter 6: Bureaucratic Structures and Policy Implementation Challenges in Medical Cannabis by Céline Mavrot
Chapter 7: Consumer Well-Being and Cannabis Spending Habits: Evidence from Massachusetts by D. Steven White, Catharine M. Curran, Paul Bacdayan, and Marion McNabb
Chapter 8: Exaggerated Panic or Valid Concerns? Post-Legalization Youth Drug Use by Renee Scherlen and José Antonio Cisneros-Tirado
Chapter 9: Using Administrative and Survey Data to Evaluate the Impact of Changing Marijuana Laws and Policies on Marijuana Use, Treatment Admissions for Marijuana, and Mortality Related to Marijuana and Other Drug Use by Maggie Martin, Rebecca Ivester, Jesse Mishra, Maryam Salihu, Sonja Richard and Ryan Kling
Chapter 10: The Unintended Consequences of Marijuana Decriminalization on Illegal Commerce and the Opioid Crisis by Nikolay Anguelov, Michael P. McCarthy and Thalia Valkanos