Table of Contents
Introduction: Framing Food Justice and Literacies for Rhetoric and Writing Studies,
Eileen E. Schell and Dianna Winslow
Section I
Chapter 1: Reclaiming Forgotten Literacies: Agency through Food Literacy,
Nabila Hijazi
Chapter 2: Dreaming of Sustainable Futures and Gastronomic Pasts: Cultural Heritage and
the Rhetorical Value of Food,
Ellen Platts
Chapter 3: Flatbush Eats: Lessons from a Community History and Writing Project,
Deborah Mutnick
Chapter 4: Smell of the Other: Race, Ethnicity, and Fear of One’s Own Cooking Odors, Bibhushana Poudyal and Mala Rai
Section II
Chapter 5: Seeds of the Diaspora: Using Creative Writing to Explore Critical Food Literacies with Youth of Color,
OreOluwa Badaki
Chapter 6: Rekindling Hope, Building Resilience: New Agrarian Literacies on the Llano Estacado,
Callie F. Kostelich
Chapter 7: Once You Sell Us on the Service We Can Render: Agricultural Public Relations, Feminist Food Literacies, and the Rhetorical Power of Women in Ag,
Cori Brewster
Chapter 8: When the Land Writes: The Rhetorical Life of Soil and Plants,
Veronica House and Kelly Zepelin
Chapter 9: Right to Food and Access to Food through the lens of Citizenship Discourse in
Pritisha Shrestha
Section III
Chapter 10: Toward Sustainable, Transparent Food Research: Students’ Applications of
Critical Agrifood,
Abby M.Dubisar
Chapter 11: From Food Security to Food Justice and Beyond: An Interdisciplinary Critical
Deborah Adelman and Shamili Ajgaonkar
Chapter 12: Food Justice and Garden Writing in First-Year Seminars at Bates College, Stephanie Wade
About the Contributors