"We live in an age of migration. All of us are migrants, or one day will be. Globalization has made the heterogeneity of the world's cultures more apparent than ever. In Hollywood movies, we constantly encounter the tales of migrants in different countries, the problems of identity they face, and various other aspects of globalization. The center today may well become the periphery tomorrow. Like the characters in the film Children of Men, we struggle amidst the chaos, yet we continue to hope. Baloğlu and Birincioğlu have brought together a group of authors and essays that analyze the economic and political implications of these exciting films and explore the heterogenous tales they tell. Audiences who enjoyed these films will love reading the essays on them in this volume."
— Semire Ruken Öztürk, Ankara University
"The society that constitutes the United States of today was formed by the coming together of people of different races and cultures from almost every part of the world, starting with European immigrants, African slaves and continuing with Latin American and Far Eastern immigrants. This society, which is constantly renewed with the ongoing migrations today, is melted into the consciousness of being an American who emphasizes the theme of unity in differences. The concepts of transnational, multiculturalism or interculturalism are among the topics that have gained popularity not only in the discussion of cultural policies but also in the discussion of cinema studies. Today's cinema, where production, distribution and screening opportunities are on a universal scale, especially Hollywood cinema, focuses on the multicultural structure and highlights people of different origins as heroes. The policy of the United States of America to create the American society has turned into a policy of bringing the different societies of the world into a single society through globalization policies and cinema. In this book, new global cultural policies are examined through the examples of recent Hollywood cinema, and how the cultures of people living in different parts of the world are brought closer. Understanding contemporary motion pictures will be an important resource for a better understanding of the New World."
— Neşe Kars Tayanç, Istanbul University
"This book is about the intercultural orientations in globalization in the critical context of popular culture and film studies. The articles deal with the limitations of the problematic of representation offering “dialogic rationalism” as the alternative. Reading films on the basis of dialogic rationalism the articles focus on the new perspectives that form around transformation of locality, interculturalism, multiculturalism, transnationalism, and transculturalism. This conceptual basis allows authors to discuss cultural diversity in Hollywood cinema in terms of political economy, narrative styles, and generic transformation. The book is a rich reference for academics as well as students working in the field of popular culture and cinema."
— Nilüfer Timisi, Istanbul University