Table of Contents
Sarah S. LeBlanc
Chapter 1: The Body, the Media, and Popular Culture
K. Megan Hopper, Sarah S. LeBlanc, and Sylvia Rust
Part I: Lizzo
Chapter 2: Auntie Sam Rocks the Vote! The Embodied Politics of Lizzo in the 2020 U.S. Election
Ruth Beerman
Chapter 3: Feelin’ Good as Hell?: The Influence of Cardi B. and Lizzo’s Music Videos on College-Aged Women’s Perceptions of Beauty, Sexism, and Sexualization
Amy Crumbaugh, Tamanna Tasmin, & K. Megan HopperTelevision
Part II: Social Media
Chapter 4: “This is the Kind of Influencer We Want to See!”: A Study of Body Representation among Instagram Influencers
Nora Suren
Chapter 5: Accidental Culture Jamming: Celeste Barber and the Juxtaposition Between the Real and Ideal Body
Erin Cook and Trischa Goodnow
Chapter 6: Keeping Up with the Yummy Mummies?: Examining Kim Kardashian’s Mediated Yummy Mummy Images on the reality television program Keeping Up with The Kardashians versus Instagram posts.
Suri M. Pourmodheji
Chapter 7: (Re)Presentations: Personal narratives and the posthuman body in the #MeToo movement
Amanda Hill, Ph.D.
Chapter 8: “He's dragged me here so I can understand”: Race, gender, and the performance of painted bodies in MTV’s Drag My Dad
Wanjiru Mbure and Wendy Chapman Peek
Part III: Television
Chapter 9: “There’s a lot of Inches to Love”: Expectancy Violations, Fat Identity, Weight Stigma, and Relational Turmoil in TLC’s Hot and Heavy
Mary Beth Asbury1 and Jessica M. W. Kratzer2
Chapter 10: “Body-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody”: Interrogating Black Bodies in Cable Television
Siobhan Smith-Jones and Johnny Jones
Chapter 11: The One with All the Fat Shaming: An Examination of Anti-Fat Bias on Friends
Adrienne Darrah
Chapter 12: Where Power Resides: An Analysis of Female Bodies in Game of Thrones
Juliana Russell and Sarah S. LeBlanc
Part IV: Advertising
Chapter 13: "Anti-racist x-rays?: Colour-blind racism and the 'universal' body
Beck Wise
Chapter 14: #Realbodies: Exploring the impact of women empowerment advertisements
Ashton Gerding Speno and Jennifer Lewallen Woolf
Chapter 15: Eat French Fries and Be Healthy: The Fit Body as a Means of Promoting Fast Food
Debbie Danowski
Chapter 16: Ideal-Body Media and Gay Men’s Self-Discrepancy
Irena Acic, Lindsay Roberts, and Laramie D. Taylor