Introduction: Assembling the Civilizational Jigsaw by Giovanni Borgognone and Patricia Chiantera-Stutte
Chapter 1: Challenges to the West: Civilizational Theory, Imperialism, and Liberal Internationalism by Patricia Chiantera-Stutte
Chapter 2: An Historian’s Approach to Civilization: Arnold J. Toynbee and the Study of International Affairs in the Twentieth Century by Luca G. Castellin
Chapter 3: Governable Masses and Manageable Democracy: Samuel Huntington and the Origins of the Clash of Civilizations Theory by Giovanni Borgognone
Chapter 4: The ‘Western’ Roots of Democracy: A Geopolitical Dilemma by Paulo Butti de Lima
Chapter 5:Pan-Islamism and Pan-Arabism: Debating Possible Convergences in Responses to Modernity by Marco Di Donato
Chapter 6: From Pan-Asianism to an Afro-Asian Solidarity: Notions and Connotations of Civilization in the Context of Chinese Revolution, 1900-1966 by Zhiguang Yin
Chapter 7: Civilizationism in Russia from the Slavophiles to Vladimir Putin by Kåre Johan Mjør
Conclusion: A Challenge for the Global Society? by Giovanni Borgognone and Patricia Chiantera-Stutte