Lexington Books
Pages: 226
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-7936-4027-7 • Hardback • November 2021 • $105.00 • (£81.00)
978-1-7936-4029-1 • Paperback • August 2023 • $39.99 • (£30.00)
978-1-7936-4028-4 • eBook • November 2021 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Cayce Myers is director of graduate studies and associate professor at Virginia Tech’s School of Communication.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
Chapter 1: Money as Communication
Chapter 2: Politicization of Campaign Fundraising: A History
Chapter 3: Democratic Fundraising 2020 Presidential Primary
Chapter 4: Self-Funding in 2020
Chapter 5: Republican Fundraising 2020 Presidential Primary
Chapter 6: Biden Fundraising Post Convention
Chapter 7: Trump Fundraising Post Convention
Chapter 8: What is the Value of Money in Politics?
About the Author
"Money in Politics provides a good historical grounding in campaign finance in the United States and a strong analysis of the dynamics in play during the 2020 presidential election. It is interesting to note the shift in Democrats raising more political funds than Republicans, given the GOP was the first to take advantage of the Citizens United vs. FEC ruling. This book takes a complex subject and distills it in a way that makes it both understandable and accessible."
— Melissa M. Smith, Mississippi University for Women
This book offers an in-depth look at an important yet understudied topic in political communication: campaign fundraising. The analysis focuses on the 2020 presidential election, the most expensive race in history with billions of dollars raised and spent by candidates, parties, PACS, and super-PACs. By grounding the study in the rich history of campaign finance regulations, Cayce Myers also shows how the 2020 race is representative of the longstanding tension between the necessity of fundraising, concerns about donors’ political influence, and calls for campaign finance reform. The result is a fascinating look at the role money plays in U.S. political campaigns.
— Lisa M. Burns, Quinnipiac University
Professor Cayce Myers provides an important and valuable perspective on campaign finance processes as related to the American electoral process. Though a great deal of jurisprudence and legal analysis has been done about the ramifications of money and U.S. elections. Professor Myers does an exceptional job of providing both depth and breadth with regard to campaign fundraising and its communication impact on candidate argumentation. Readers will find a wealth of historical information along with the most contemporary applications running through the most recent presidential campaigns. Professor Myers provides a balanced perspective that is all too often lacking in this field of study. Faculty and students will benefit from this compelling research compendium and guide to campaign finance. Money in Politics: Campaign Fundraising in the 2020 Presidential Election is an excellent academic book I recommend for any coursework or study relating to American politics.
— Ben Voth, associate professor, communication; director of speech and debate, Southern Methodist University; former advisor for the George W Bush institute, the Coolidge Presidential foundation and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC