Introduction by Serpil Oppermann and Sinan Akıllı
Part I: Ancient Nature cultures and Latter-day Ecospirituality
Chapter 1: The Contemporary Reflections of Tengrism in Turkish Climate Change Fictions by Fatma Aykanat
Chapter 2: Toxic Agentic Legacy in Turkish Waters: From Sacrosanct Bodies to Toxic Bodies of Water by Pelin Kümbet
Chapter 3: Turkey’s First Ecologist: Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı, The Fisherman of Halicarnassus by Roger Williams
Part II: Urban Ecologies
Chapter 4: Irrigating and Weeding the Bostan in Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Turkish Literature by Aleksandar Shopov
Chapter 5: Orhan Pamuk’s Istanbul: Memories and the City and the Local-Global Tension in Ecocritical Place Studies by Scott Slovic
Chapter 6: Urban Ecologies/Urbanatures of İstanbul in Contemporary Turkish Novel by Gülşah Göçmen
Chapter 7: Yaşar Kemal’s Ecopoetics of the Sea: Loss of Marine Biodiversity in Turkey’s Coastal Waters by Adem Balcı
Part III: Animals: Past Reflections
Chapter 8: Human-Animal Relations in Neolithic Anatolian Art: the Heritage of the Bull by Louise Westling
Chapter 9: Ottoman Ecocriticism and Political Ecology: Horse-Human Relationships in Evliya Çelebi and After by Donna Landry
Chapter 10: “Then There are the Packs of Dogs”: Turkish Street Dogs, Nineteenth-Century British Travelers, and Tourist Wonders by Jeanne Dubino
Part IV: Animals: Present Reflections
Chapter 11: When Horses and Human Beings Meet in Anatolia: Towards a Critical Examination of the Tradition of Yılkı Horses by Emre Koyuncu
Chapter 12: Writing and Animal(ity) in Contemporary Turkish Fiction by Meliz Ergin
Chapter 13: Precarious Lives of Animals and Humans through the Lens of Contemporary Turkish Literature by Özlem Öğüt Yazıcıoğlu and Ezgi Hamzaçebi
Part V: Ecological Arts, Aesthetics, and Performance
Chapter 14: The Ecophobia/Biophilia Spectrum in Turkish Theatre: Anatolian Village Plays and (Karagöz-Hacivat) Shadow Plays by Simon C. Estok and Z. Gizem Yılmaz Karahan
Chapter 15: Postecological Aesthetics and Contemporary Turkish Art in the Anthropocene by Kerim Can Yazgünoğlu
Chapter 16: Speculative Ecologies of Plastics in the Environmental Aesthetics of Pınar Yoldaş by Burcu Baykan
Chapter 17: Spiritus Domus: The Decorum of Ecological-Ecesis by Creativity by Yusuf Eradam
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