PART I: The Composition of Reality: Hidden Worlds
Chapter 1: Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 2: The Many-Worlds Interpretation
Chapter 3: The Quantum Multiverse
PART 2: The Problem of Evil: Defense
Chapter 4: Deductive Arguments
Chapter 5: Inductive and Abductive Arguments
Chapter 6: Bayesian Arguments
PART 3: A Free Will Theodicy: An Exordium
Chapter 7: Alternative Theodicies
Chapter 8: The Ethical Perspective
Chapter 9: Free Will
PART 4: A Free-Will Theodicy: Evil and Many Worlds
Chapter 10: Moral Evil and the Quantum Multiverse
Chapter 11: Natural Evil and the Quantum Multiverse
Chapter 12: Resurrection and the Quantum Multiverse
Appendix 1 : Probability Theory
Appendix 2 : Is God a Rule-consequentialist?: Bayesian and Total Probability Arguments
Appendix 3: Propositional Logic: Notation and Rules