Lexington Books
Pages: 154
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-7936-3417-7 • Hardback • November 2020 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-7936-3418-4 • eBook • November 2020 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Max Ryynänen is senior lecturer of theory of visual culture at Aalto University Finland.
Preface: Know Your Enemies
Introduction: Why Should Kids in the Suburbs Learn the Aesthetic Hobbies of the Eighteenth-Century Central European Upper Class?
Chapter 1: The Central European System of Art
Chapter 2: Diaspora, Colonialism, Overshadowed Alternatives
Chapter 3: Highbrow as Cultural Appropriation
Chapter 4: The Lively Arts: Kitsch, Ice Skating and Other Attempts to Foster the Beautiful
Chapter 5: A New Art Form”: How Rap Music Knocked on the Door of the Art System in the 1990s
Chapter 6: Nobrow
A bold, refreshing cultural critique of the system of the fine arts. Reading this book will transform your thinking about art. Absorbing and informative, here is a book with personality.
— Arnold Berleant, Professor emeritus, Long Island University. Author of Sensibility and Sense: The Aesthetic Transformation of the Human World
In his book On the Philosophy of Central European Art, Max Ryynänen embarks into the much needed labor of rethinking and redefining categories of the Central European artworld that have stood partly unchallenged for too long or dealt with without the necessary depth. He questions these class-driven, ethnic, and hierarchical conceptions of art as they imply the superiority of “fine arts” presupposing others as inferior, rough arts . Ryynänen revises the conception of nobrow which disputes the high brow–low brow classifications of art in a didactic and easy to read text that will certainly ignite further discussions.
— Katya Mandoki, author of The Indispensable Excess of the Aesthetic: Evolution of Sensibility in Nature among 7 Others