Foreword: Ecopoetics at the Tipping Point by Joni Adamson
Introduction: What Matters Sings: Ecopoetics of Reenchantment by Bénédicte Meillon
Part I: Theorizing Ecopoetics of (Re)Enchantment
Chapter 1: Necessary Wonder: Promises and Pitfalls of Enchantment by Charles Holdefer
Chapter 2: ‘I Turn Homeward, Wondering’: Reasons for Enchantment by Yves-Charles Grandjeat
Chapter 3: Everyone is Absorbed: Enchanting Substance in VanderMeer’s Southern Reach by Randall Roorda
Chapter 4: Nature’s Speech and Storytelling: The Voice of Wisdom in the Nonhuman by Françoise Besson
Chapter 5: ‘A Place Grown Intense And Holy’: Dwelling in the Enchanted World of Words by Isabel Maria Fernandes Alves
Part II: Dwellings of Enchantment in Literatures of Place, Old, and New
Chapter 6: Wonder, Enchantment, and the New Nature Writing by Joshua Mabie
Chapter 7: Eco-memoir, Belonging, and the Ecopoetics of Settler Colonial Enchantment by Tom Lynch
Chapter 8: Aesthetic Choices for the Anthropocene Era in the New American Literature of Place by Wendy Harding
Part III: Of Animal Elusiveness, Death, and Wonder: Zoopoetics and the Quest for Common Ground
Chapter 9: Zoopoethics: Literature Challenged by Industrial Livestock Farming by Anne Simon
Chapter 10: Ron Rash’s Above the Waterfall, or the Square Root of Wonderful by Frédérique Spill
Chapter 11: A Poetics of Traces in Rick Bass’s Short Stories by Claire Cazajous-Augé
Part IV: Of Postcolonial and Ecofeminist Spellings and Spells: When Magical Realism Challenges Modern Ontology and Epistemology
Chapter 12: Conversations with the Living World: Mutual Discovery and Enchantment by Carmen Flys Junquera
Chapter 13: Writing a Way Home: Liminality, Magical Realism, and the Building of a Biotic Communitas in Linda Hogan’s Solar Storms and People of the Whale by Bénédicte Meillon
Chapter 14: The Magic Realist Compost in the Anthropocene: Improbable Assemblages in Canadian and Australian Fiction by Jessica Maufort
Chapter 15: Learning to Live in the Anthropocene: Orality as Recycling in Contemporary Latin American Indigenous Poetry by Antonio Cuadrado-Fernandez
Chapter 16: Shadows of Enchantment in Indian Forest Fiction: Mahasweta Devi’s “The Hunt” and Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar’s The Mysterious Ailment of Rupi Baskey by Alan Johnson
Chapter 17: Anna Livia’s Anthropocene Ecopoetics by Rachel Nisbet
Chapter 18: Theodore Roszak's Glade in The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein: An Ecofeminist Dwelling of Emancipation by Noémie Moutel
Part V: Writers’ Corner: An Essay by Chickasaw Writer and Poet Linda Hogan
Chapter 19: Ways of the Cranes by Linda Hogan
About the Contributors