Introduction: Anti-Semitism: A Rhetorical Perspective
Chapter 1: From Guilt to Scapegoating: The Rhetorical Grounding of Antisemitism
Chapter 2: The Messianic Conception in Judaism: The Foundation of a Fatal Misunderstanding
Chapter 3: The Rejection of Judaism and Guilt as Foundational to Antisemitism
Chapter 4: Saint John Chrysostom: Rhetorical Invectives and the Grounding of Antisemitism
Chapter 5: From the Dreyfuss Affair to the Holocaust: Blaming Jews for Antisemitism
Chapter 6: The Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion: Beyond the Lie
Chapter 7: The Durban Conference and the Reinvention the Past
Chapter 8: The Diabolic Jew and the Visualization of Antisemitism
Chapter 9: The “Jew” as an Identity of Name and Place
Chapter 10: Nostra Aetate and the End to the Charge of “Eternal Guilt”
Chapter 11: From Denying to Boycotting: The big lie that is antisemitism
Chapter 12: The Prospects for an End to Antisemitism