Table of Contents
Introduction: Male GRC/S as Viewed through Psychology and Communication Lenses – Pompper
Unit I: Masculinities in Nature or Nurture
Chapter 1: Taking the Natural Red Pill: Conflicting Gender Roles through Nature and Antiquity in the Manosphere
Marcia Allison & Jesper Greve Kristensen
Chapter 2: Case Studies of Male Rhetorical Mediation of Sexual Violence and Gender Role Stress/Conflict in the #MeToo Era
Robert Mundy
Chapter 3: When Nothing Changes into Something: Gender Role Stress/Conflict Among Asexual Viewers of BoJack Horseman
ben Brandley & Katherine Mullé
Chapter 4: Pulling Back the Curtain on Advertisers' Perceptions of Male Images in U.S. Ads
Juan Mundel & Maria DeMoya
Chapter 5: Dirty Work Masculinity and Coping Strategies among Garbage Collectors
Akira Sai & Taro Yamauchi
Unit II: Masculinity & Social Identity Intersectionalities
Chapter 6: Exploring Masculinities in Ancient and Up-and-Coming Sports in South East Asia
Mark Brooke
Chapter 7: Masculinity, Identity, and Disabled Veterans: How British Audiences Respond to Representations of Military Veterans on Prime Time BBC Programmes
Jenna Pitchford-Hyde
Chapter 8: Nawaz Sharif: The Rise and Fall of a Pakistani Sher (Big Cat)
Sakina Jangbar
Chapter 9: The Machismo Conflict of Bad Bunny’s Yo Perreo Sola in Reggaetón
Nathian Shae Rodriguez
Unit III: Masculinities & Emotionality
Chapter 10: “Bitch-Ass Pussy!”: Perceptions of Abused Men Predicted by Media, Educational, and Experiential Topic Exposure
Jessica J. Eckstein & Jessica Cherry
Chapter 11: It’s Not Unusual, or Is It? Tom Jones’ Unique Blend of Heteromasculine
Donnalyn Pompper
Chapter 12: Retire Like a Man: Peyton Manning, Andrew Luck, and Competing Masculinities
Anthony V. LaStrape & Ann E. Burnette
Chapter 13: A Critical Exploration of Pandemic Protection as a Threat to Masculinity:
Facemask Usage and Gender
James Carviou & Jennifer A. Jackson
Chapter 14: New Media Masculinities: How YouTube Influencers Incubate Masculine Ideologies and Mentor Men Through Gender Role Conflict/Stress
Gabriel Parks, Daniel Russo, & Jenni Simon
Chapter 15: Conclusion: Agency for All, Where It Counts
Donnalyn Pompper
About the Contributors