Chapter 1: Donald Trump and His Presidency by William Crotty
Chapter 2: Donald Trump: A Personal and Political Profile and Impact on the Presidential
Election of 2020 by William Crotty
Chapter 3: The 2020 Presidential Nominations by Barbara Norrander
Chapter 4: Stability and Change in the 2020 Election: An Election Like No Other by Arthur C.
Chapter 5: The 2020 Election and the States: Federalism Takes the Stage by John J. McGlennon
Chapter 6: Women and the 2020 Election: Breaking Down Barriers by Susan A. MacManus and
Amy N. Benner
Chapter 7: Democracy, When? The Democratic Vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the
Political Moment of Race in American Politics and the Political Science Discipline by
Shayla C. Nunnally
Chapter 8: Environmental Issues in the 2020 Campaign by John C. Berg
Chapter 9: Health Care and the 2020 Elections: Three Competing Visions Plus a Pandemic by
Thomas R. Marshall
Chapter 10: A Nation in Crisis by John Kenneth White