Part 1: Theories and the Global Context
Introduction: Global Context and Personality Politics
Shiping Hua, The University of Louisville
Chapter 1: The Logic of Power Politics: The Thucydides Trap and the China-U.S. Trade War
Greg Moore, Colorado Christian University
Chapter 2: IR Theory with Chinese Characteristics: Interpreting Global Politics Through Chinese Exceptionalism Lens
Benjamin Ho, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Chapter 3: The Liberal International Order after WWII.
Michael Fowler, University of Louisville
Part 2: Domestic Factors (China)
Chapter 4: Institutional Adaptation and Regime Resilience under Xi Jinping
Steve Hess, Transylvania University
Chapter 5: Great Power Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics and US-China Trade War
Ngeow (Peter) Chow-Bing, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Chapter 6: Chinese Domestic Politics and the Trade War.
R. Lincoln Hines, Cornell University
Chapter 7: The Radicalization of China’s Global Posture, Narratives and Strategies.
Zhimin Lin, Valparaiso University, Qi Wang, University of Macau
Part 3: Domestic Factors (USA)
Chapter 8: U.S. Domestic Politics and the Trade War
Robert Sutter, George Washington University
Chapter 9: Missionary Zeal, Profits and Constituent Interests: The Politics Behind Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China and Current Reactions
Larry Wortzel, American Foreign Policy Council.
Chapter 10: The Impact of U.S. Domestic Politics on the Trade War.
Chung-chian Teng and Yeh-chung Lu, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
Chapter 11: US-China Policy under Trump:The Politics of International Economic Relations
Gordon C. K. Cheung, Durham University, UK.
Chapter 12: The U.S. Congress and the Business Lobby
Jack Zhang, University of Kansas.
Chapter 13: Trump, Biden, and China: From a Wilsonian World Order to Jacksonian Nationalism
Dean Chen, Ramapo College of New Jersey.
About the Contributors