Lexington Books
Pages: 136
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-1-7936-2399-7 • Hardback • April 2021 • $100.00 • (£77.00)
978-1-7936-2400-0 • eBook • April 2021 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Karel James Bouse, PhD, is founder and director of the Institute of Esoteric Psychology and author of Neo-shamanism and Mental Health.
Chapter 1: Foundation Concepts
Chapter 2: Elements of the Wounding–Overcoming Cycle
Chapter 3: The Wounding–Overcoming Cycle as a Process
Chapter 4: Northern Ireland as a Case Study of Transgenerational Colonialism and the Wounding–Overcoming Cycle
Chapter 5: Breaking the Cycle
Transgenerational Colonialism could not be more timely. Karel James Bouse calls for a radically new epistemology, a way of looking at the world that heals the wounds inflicted by colonialism and imperialism that resulted in collective trauma. She calls for a perspective that is cyclical, not linear—one that sees humans as a part of nature, not dominant over their environment, one that heals wounds rather than inciting additional conflict. Drawing upon history, psychology, mythology, and arts-based inquiry, Bouse has issued a clarion call for a world and worldview in which everyone will benefit—a truly win-win solution to the current crises from which all humanity suffers.
— Stanley Krippner, California Institute of Integral Studies; co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them