Lexington Books
Pages: 204
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-7936-2330-0 • Hardback • April 2022 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-7936-2332-4 • Paperback • April 2024 • $39.99 • (£30.00)
978-1-7936-2331-7 • eBook • April 2022 • $38.00 • (£30.00)
Thomas R. Marshall is professor of political science at the University of Texas at Arlington.
Chapter 1: Viewing the Supreme Court as a Representative Institution
Chapter 2: Measuring the Supreme Court’s Representative Role
Chapter 3: The Norm of Representation
Chapter 4: The Justices’ Representative Role
Chapter 5: Representing Group Opinions
Chapter 6: Representation, Public Opinion, and the Modern Court
An extraordinary, one-of-a-kind analysis comparing hundreds of public opinion polls since the 1930s on issues before the Supreme Court to the Court’s decisions. The two are closer than might be expected, one of the findings in a comprehensive study of a critical linkage in democratic representation.
— William Crotty, Northeastern University
Marshall draws on hundreds of poll questions on specific decisions to demonstrate the modern Supreme Court represents American public opinion. The author traces this patten of representation primarily to a handful of ideologically flexible justices whose votes reflect American attitudes on specific issues. Compiling an invaluable wealth of data on the topic, this book is the most detailed polling-based account of the Supreme Court to date.
— Kayla S. Canelo, University of Texas at Arlington
American Public Opinion and the Modern Supreme Court, 1930-2020: A Representative Institution is a must-read for those who study Supreme Court decision-making and the dynamic way that the Court interacts with public opinion. Armed with a voluminous data set, Marshall brings a contemporary perspective to the questions of whether, when, why, and how Supreme Court decisions reflect American attitudes, adding important insights to broader—and hotly contested—questions about the role of the Supreme Court in our constitutional democracy.
— Corinna Lain, University of Richmond