Chapter 1: The Kaqchikel Maya: “Go to Where You Will See Your Mountains.”
The Annals of the Cakchiquels
Chapter 2: Christopher Columbus: “Took Possession of That Island for the King and Queen”
Christopher Columbus’ Log of His First Voyage to America
Chapter 3: Antonio de Montesinos: “Are They Not Human Beings?”
The 1511 Sermon of Antonio de Montesinos
Chapter 4: Bartolomé de Las Casas: “This Is against All Divine and Human Laws”
The 1550 Debate of Bartolomé de Las Casas against Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda
Chapter 5: Alonso de la Vera Cruz: “The Spaniards Cannot Have Just Dominion.”
Defense of the Indians: Their Rights, A Discussion by the Reverend Father Alonso de la Vera Cruz(1553)
Chapter 6: Isabel de Guevara: “This Was Men’s Work.”
Letter of Isabel de Guevara to the Princess Juana
Chapter 7: Council of Huejotzingo: “Our Fathers Knew No Tribute.”
Letter from the Council of Huejotzingo to King Philip II, 1560
Chapter 8: Bernardino de Sahagún: “I Assembled All the Leaders.”
General History of the Things of New Spain: Florentine Codex
Chapter 9: The Inca Titu Cusi Yupanqui: “The Natural Lords that Used to Rule Peru”
Titu Cusi Yupanqui’s Account of the Conquest of Peru
Chapter 10: Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa: “The Horrible Tyranny of the Incas”
Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa’s History of the Incas
Chapter 11: Alonso de Illescas: “Suspend the Expedition”
Alonso de Illescas to the Crown, 24 February 1586
Chapter 12: Luis de Carvajal the Younger: “May the Lord God of Israel Enlighten Them”
The Autobiography and Inquisition Trial of Luis de Carvajal, the Younger
Chapter 13: El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega: “Past Greatness and Prosperity”
The Royal Commentaries of the Incas (1609) and General History of Peru (1617) of El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Chapter 14: Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala: “Indians Should Not Be Abused”
The First New Chronicle and Good Government by Guamán Poma
Chapter 15: Alonso de Sandoval: “The Souls of Blacks Are as Important as Those of Whites.”
Alonso de Sandoval’s De instauranda Aethiopum salute