Part 1: Algorithms, Machine Learning, and Inequity
Chapter 1 Blind Trust, Algorithmic Discrimination, and Self-Regulation in Facebook Advertisements by Chloé L. Nurik
Chapter 2 Faking Age? Ageing and the Algorithmic Assemblage by Kim Sawchuk, Scott DeJong, and Maude Gauthier
Chapter 3 It Was All Fun and Games: Gamewashing Automated Control by Sebastián Gómez
Chapter 4 From Automating to Informating: Toward a Productive Model of Human/Machine Collaboration in Higher Education by Jordan Canzonetta
Part 2: Robots and Social Justice
Chapter 5 The Misogyny of Transhumanism by Nikila Lakshmanan
Chapter 6 Are We All Too Human? Toward an Understanding of Posthumanism and Rights by Julia A. Empey
Chapter 7 Being Sophia: What Makes the World’s First Robot Citizen? by Madelaine Ley
Chapter 8 Robosexuality and Its Discontents by Nathan Rambukkana
Chapter 9 Robots as Caretakers: Understanding Long-Term Relationships Between Humans and Carebots by Jamie Foster Campbell and Kristina M. Green
Part 3: Posthuman Fictions, Futures, and Bodies
Chapter 10 Im/Material Bodies: Queering Embodiment Through Performance Art and Technology” by Joep Bouma
Chapter 11 Estranged World: Tenets of Xenofeminism and Tropes of Automated Alienation in Contemporary Alien Films by Christopher M. Cox
Chapter 12 Simulation and Synesthesia in Rez: Virtual Reality and the Queer Erotechnics of Becoming-Machinic by tobias c. van Veen
About the Contributors