Chapter 1: Consumption and Consciousness: The Land Ethic Revisited
Mark Thorsby
Chapter 2: Rawls and the Distribution of Human Resources by Those in the Animal Rights Community
Alan Clune
Chapter 3: The Fabric of Life: Technology, Ideology & the Environmental Impact of Clothing
Juneko Robinson
Chapter 4: Muslim Perspectives and the Politics of Climate Change
Jennifer Epley Sanders
Chapter 5: Darkness in the Rage of Light: Gendered EcoGothic Landscapes in the American West
Suzanne Roberts
Chapter 6: Food Sustainability for the Underprivileged: A Comparison of Non-Profit Group Activities in Four U.S. Cities
Camila Pombo
Chapter 7: Egalitarians Speak: Lone Voices of Dissent in the Congressional Hearings on Radical Animal Liberation and Environmental Activism
John Duerk
Chapter 8: Changing Lanes and Changing Places: An Examination of Race, Urban Bikeways, and Gentrification in American Cities
Markie McBrayer
Chapter 9: A Consumer Public Sphere: Considering Activist and Environmental Narratives in the Contexts of Themed and Consumer Spaces
Scott Lukas
Chapter 10: What Role Can Water Markets Play in Adapting to Climate Change? Evidence from Two River Basins in the Western United States
Elizabeth Koebele, Loretta Singletary, Shelby Hockaday, and Kerri Jean Ormerod
Chapter 11: Do Environmental Policies Enhance Environmental Quality? An Examination of Policy Instruments and Outcomes
Emilia Barreto Carvalho
Chapter 12: The Role of Art in the Conservation of American Landscapes
Joe R. McBride