Chapter 1:Postphenomenology and Architecture: Architecture as Measurer for Human and
Lars Botin & Inger Berling Hyams
Chapter 2:Multistable Infrastructure: The Scripted and Unscripted Performance of a
Functionalist Pathway
Ditte Bendix Lanng & Søren Risdal Borg
Chapter 3:Exploitable Multistability: The View from the Bike Lane
Charley Appleton
Chapter 4:Sartre’s Keyhole and the Politics of Multistable Space
Robert Rosenberger
Chapter 5:Non-places in the Postphenomenological Perspective: The Intersection of Dis-
embodiment, Non-alterity and the Hermeneutics of Exclusion
Natalia Juchniewicz
Chapter 6: Alterity, Digital and Analogue: Technological Mediation in Architectural
Inger Berling Hyams
Chapter 7:Sydney Opera House: The Poiesis of Tectonic Architecture in the Age of Digital Augmentation
Adrian Carter & Lars Botin
Chapter 8: Making into Thing - Anthropo-Eccene Design: On the Design of Emergence
Anders Michelsen
Chapter 9: Thinking Things and Thinging Thoughts: Architecture and Building in
Postphenomenological Perspective
Lars Botin
Chapter 10:Building Dwelling and the End of Thinking: On Constructing and Tearing Down
Walls and the Compartmentalization of Life
Søren Riis
Chapter 11:Heidegger, Bachelard, Building: An Amateur Architect’s Buildings
Don Ihde
About the Contributors