This book is particularly useful for its comprehensive, detailed insights into leadership decision-making and intentions. I would recommend it to policymakers, intelligence analysts, academics, or anyone who wants a dispassionate, clear-eyed assessment of KJU’s regime and its implications for the U.S/ROK alliance and the Indo-Pacific region. A welcome addition to the body of understanding regarding DPRK leadership.
— American Intelligence Journal
In Kim Jong-un’s Strategy for Survival, David Shin offers a compelling account of why the challenge of nuclear-armed North Korea is not going away. Shin chronicles how the three Kims crafted a very Korean-style totalitarianism, engineered the first-ever communist dynastic succession, and built a nuclear arsenal. This is a must-read for understanding why North Korea continues to exist at all in the twenty-first century despite the repression, poverty, and isolation, a sharp contrast to the global and prosperous South Korea.
— Joseph Yun, former U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific
As Dr. Shin’s work shows, Kim Jong Un is a ruthless, driven and calculating leader that we should neither fear, nor underestimate—not a bloodthirsty madman, nor an irrational amateur. In his latest book, Dr. Shin synthesizes key insights from the work of other top Korea experts with a broad base of theory and North Korean official statements. The result is a cogent analysis founded on four case studies. This book is recommended reading for anyone who seeks to understand North Korea’s current decision-making.
— Markus V. Garlauskas, Scowcroft Center senior fellow and former national intelligence officer for North Korea, U.S. National Intelligence Council
I am delighted to recommend Dr. Shin’s Kim Jong-un’s Strategy for Survival. This will be a most useful book both for people conversant in North Korean politics and for those with little to basic knowledge about the country and its leadership. Dr. Shin adeptly links North Korea’s military and security events and issues to domestic political considerations, leadership dynamics, and sociocultural considerations. What is more, Dr. Shin has an accessible writing style and knowledge base, making this a most worthy book for course adoption.
— Michael Madden, Stimson Center and North Korea Leadership Watch
We will not successfully negotiate with Kim Jong-un to give up his nuclear capability unless we comprehensively analyze Kim’s survival strategy and what makes him tick. This book enables us to ‘get to know’ Kim—his insecurities, his objectives, his rationality, and perhaps even his limitations. Though Kim started inexperienced and immature, the author shows he is now firmly established as the credible successor to his father and grandfather. Undermining the assumption that Kim might be outplayed and outsmarted in the ‘game’ for denuclearization is Shin's critical takeaway for international relations scholars and policy analysts.
— Yong-Sup Han, Korea National Defense University
Dr. Shin takes to task the journalists, pundits, and government officials who explain away North Korea's dramatic policy shifts, weapons developments, and ’provocations’ as being the result of highly unpredictable, possibly irrational, leadership in Pyongyang. He demonstrates how such misconceptions have resulted in intelligence and policy failures, removing Kim Jong-un from generally accepted international norms and values, and places him firmly in the context of his family's and North Korea's history.
— Guy Arrigoni, former Senior Intelligence Officer, Defense Intelligence Agency