Part One: Phenomenological Explorations of Time, Thinking and Embodiment
Chapter 1: Childhood and the Genesis of Time: A Phenomenological Approach
James Mensch
Chapter 2: Child and Time: A Phenomenological Journey into the Human Conditions of Education
Barbara Weber
Chapter 3: Think Like a Girl: Scout’s Time and Experience in To Kill a Mockingbird
Peter Costello
Chapter 4: Listening, Phronein and the First Principle of Happiness
Pablo Muruzábal Lamberti
Chapter 5: Thinking and the Play of Being
Michael A. Bonnett
Chapter 6: Philosophia Ludens for Children: A Proposal to Play and to Think
Annalisa Caputo
Part Two: Decolonial and Postructuralist Perspectives on the Politics of Education
Chapter 7: Becoming Child: Wild Being and the Post-Human
David Kennedy
Chapter 8: Paulo Freire and the Childhood of a Philosophical and Educational Life
Walter Omar Kohan
Chapter 9: Democratic Child’s Play: Natality, Responsible Education, and Decolonial Praxis
Toby Rollo
Chapter 10: Posthuman Child: De(con)structing Western Notions of Child Agency
Karin Murris
Chapter 11: Relational Openings for The Otherwise: Thinking Community as What is Not…
Cristina Delgado Vintimilla
Chapter 12: Life as a Pedagogical Concept
Iris Berger and Adrienne Argent
Chapter 13: Natures, Cultures and Education: Anarcheologies of the Present
Juliana Merçon
About the Contributors