Samantha J. Fried & Robert Rosenberger
SECTION 1: Primer
1. A Primer on Postphenomenology and Image Reading
Robert Rosenberger
SECTION 2: Postphenomenological Thought Experiments: Multiplying Multiples
2. Affect in the Age of the Image: The .gif Use Case
Stacey O. Irwin
3. Science Comes Late to Sonification
Don Ihde
4. Radiology as Skillful Coping and Enactive Hermeneutics: A Critique of Representations and Corresponding Truth
Jan Kyrre Berg Friis
SECTION 3: Embodied Postphenomenology: Ethnographies of the Interactive Multiple
5. Image Interpretation as Object Constitution: Hermeneutic Strategies in Neuroscientific Practice
Bas de Boer
6. “To Be Or Not To Be”: Hermeneutic Relations Through Technology in Clinical Cytology Anette Forss7. Not Too Queer To Be Straight And Not Too Straight To Be Queer: Becoming Bisexual Through The Screen Of Digital Hook-Up App Bumble
Katie Warfield
SECTION 4: Postphenomenology as Practice/Theory
8. Feynman Diagrams and the Phenomenology of Paper Tools
Robert P. Crease
9. Collective Visual Hermeneutics: How Posthumanist Learning Forms Perception with Technologies
Cathrine Hasse
10. Philosophize In It! Politicize With it!: Postphenomenology and Earth Remote Sensing as Sites of Political/Scientific Intervention
Samantha J. Fried
SECTION 5: Critical Respondents
11. Attending to the Otherwise: Reading Illusions through Virtual Reality
Lisa Messeri
12. Reflections on Postphenomenological Crossings
Janet Vertesi
13. Representationalism and Digital Imagery
Will Sutherland and David Ribes
About the Contributors