Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Kerri J. Tobin, Norma A. Marrun, Iesha Jackson, & Christine Clark
Part I: Social Studies and Civic Education in Elementary Education
Chapter 1: Whose Stories Do We Tell?: Resources for Critical Histories in Elementary Social Studies Curriculum
Laura A. Navarro Edwards and Gülsüm Gürbüz-Küçüksari
Chapter 2: Transformational Learning Through Read-Alouds: Bringing Multicultural Perspectives to Elementary Social Studies
Jacquelyn M. Urbani, Candace Monroe-Speed, and Bhavya Doshi
Chapter 3: When Good Isn’t Good Enough: Using Multicultural Picture Books to Address Views on Poverty
Kathy Brashears
Chapter 4: Creating Classism-Conscious Classrooms
Kristen Pennycuff Trent
Part II: Social Studies and Civic Education in Middle and Middle-to-Secondary Education
Chapter 5: Seeing Truth, Banishing Lies: Re-Seeing the “Indigenous Peoples” Unit in Middle Elementary School Social Studies
Debi Khasnabis, Simona Goldin, Mary Bassett, Jeannie Crayne, and Salli A. Kropp
Chapter 6: The History, Memorialization, and Modern Echoes of Blackbirding
John Bickford, David Bunton, and Helen Stacy Bunton
Part III: Social Studies and Civic Education in Secondary Education
Chapter 7: Real World Problems: Social Justice and Community Explorations
Elizabeth M. McDonald, Rachelle Savitz, and Kristen E. Duncan
Chapter 8: Narrative Integrity: Reflection as Social and Civic Education
Nick Bardo and Joanelle Morales
Chapter 9: Critical Multicultural Curriculum Transformation in High School World History, U.S. History, and Civics Curricula
Betsy Gutstein
Part IV: Social Studies and Civic Education Across the PK-12 and Teacher Education Curriculum
Chapter 10: Social Studies in Action in the Neighborhood: Civic Engagement for Kinder through Senior Year
Deanna Chappell
Chapter 11: Making Social Studies Instruction Meaningful: Ask the Good Questions
Paige Hendricks
Chapter 12: Non/Human (Un/En)Tanglements: Practitioner-Based Engagements with Post-Humanism, Multiculturalism, and Visual Materials
Timothy P. Monreal and Bretton A. Varga
Part V: Social Studies and Civic Education in Teacher Professional Development
Chapter 13: Transforming Social Studies for English Learners Through Intentional Professional Development
Margarita Jiménez-Silva, Ashley Coughlin, and Melissa Gorman Mercado
Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Kerri J. Tobin, Norma A. Marrun, Iesha Jackson, & Christine Clark