Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Border Pedagogy Revisited
Chapter 3: An Examination of Place-Based Pedagogies
Chapter 4: Transborder Dialogue: Intersections of Meliorism, Heteroglossia, Nepantla, and Dialogic Feminism
Chapter 5: Transnational Possibilities: The Importance of Critical Cosmopolitanism and Pragmatic Hope
Chapter 6: Navigating the Intersection of Border Pedagogy and Critical Place-Based Pedagogies
Chapter 7: Critical Border Praxis: Choosing the Path
Chapter 8: Transnational Educational Research in Four Countries: Examples of Critical Border Praxis
Chapter 9: “In Spite of the Way the World Is”: What United States Educators Can Learn from Their Counterparts in Cuba
Chapter 10: “They Did Not Make Their Decisions on a Whim”: Teaching Border Issues on the United States and Mexico
Chapter 11: In Pursuit of Comparative Pedagogies
Chapter 12: Emergent Third Spaces
Chapter 13: Conclusion: There Has Never Been a More Crucial Time