Chapter 1. Comedy: Towards an Alternative History of Mimesis, by María J. Ortega Máñez
Chapter 2. The Two Laughters of Lecoq: The Clown and the Bouffon, by Caterina Angela Agus, Giovani Fusetti and Davide Giovanzana
Chapter 3. The Masked Comic Figure in Alain Badiou’s Philosophy, by Fred Dalmasso
Chapter 4. The Body that Laughs and Cries: Helmuth Plessner’s Keys to Anthropology and Theatre, by Xavier Escribano
Chapter 5. Valentin, Brecht and Comic Inelasticity: Ridiculing Rigidity as an Impediment to Social Change, by Meg Mumford
Chapter 6. Happiness, Dead and Alive: Object Theatre as Philosophy of the Encounter, by Carolyn Shapiro
Chapter 7. Living in the Doll House: Cavell, Comedy and The Ladies Man, by Lisa Trahair
Chapter 8. Trouble in Paradise?: Impotence and Comedy, by Lisabeth During
Chapter 9. “Only What Is Born Lives”: Kafka L.O.L., by Jean-Michel Rabaté
Chapter 10. The Grotesque: Comic Performance and the Paradox of Acting, by Josephine Gray
About the Authors