Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 152
Trim: 6⅜ x 9
978-1-78661-250-2 • Hardback • March 2020 • $158.00 • (£123.00)
978-1-78661-251-9 • eBook • March 2020 • $150.00 • (£115.00)
Karen Patel is AHRC Creative Economy Engagement Fellow at Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research, Birmingham City University.
1. Introduction: Expertise in Cultural Work Method
2. What is Expertise in Cultural Work?
3. Expertise in the Career of the Cultural Worker
4. Staging Expertise on Social Media
5. Signalling Expertise as Cultural Labour
6. Inequalities and Gendered Strategies Online
7. Conclusion: Reframing Expertise
In this original and deeply researched book, Karen Patel describes and dissects the lives of cultural workers and the ways in which they build, signal and display their aesthetic expertise. Crucially, she analyses how expertise is performed via social media but she does not assume that these performances and the life circumstances that underpin them are equal or equally visible. It is a book about politics and power as well as likes and hashtags.
— Bridget Conor, Senior Lecturer in Media, Communications and Film Studies, Kings College London
An essential contribution to understand the role of social media in the construction of expertise by cultural workers
— Alessandro Gandini, Research Fellow, University of Milan
Patel’s critical exploration of expertise provides a theoretically inventive and empirically rich way to understand and reflect on the contemporary experiences of cultural workers in building careers, networks, and profiles, and developing strategies for more equitable and supportive futures.
— Daniel Ashton, Associate Professor of Cultural and Creative Industries, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton