Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 138
Trim: 6⅜ x 9
978-1-78661-105-5 • Hardback • May 2021 • $100.00 • (£77.00)
978-1-78661-106-2 • eBook • May 2021 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Aileen Marron is International Officer at the Higher Education Authority, University of Limerick.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Ireland and the Financial Crisis
Chapter 3. Framing Analysis Part 1: ‘We Can Recover if the Hard Decisions are Made’
Chapter 4. Framing Analysis Part 2: ‘Public Sector Scapegoats’
Chapter 5. Making News in The Irish Times and the Irish Independent
Chapter 6. The Political Economy of News-Making
Chapter 7. Conclusion
This carefully researched study provides evidence of an ingrained ideological bias at work in the contemporary Irish press, which simply refuses to countenance alternative diagnoses and prescriptions for major economic crises beyond those dictated by hegemonic neoliberal elites. It paints a picture depressingly familiar from recent analyses of how the financial crash was mediated in the UK, US and elsewhere.
— James Morrison, reader in journalism, Robert Gordon University
This book is masterful exposition of framing analysis, thoroughly well-grounded theoretically and unimpeachable in its methodological soundness. It is also a stark warning about news balance in Irish society: Marron’s brilliant dissection of news coverage of the public service leaves media claims of balance in tatters. Fake news comes in many different guises: this book should be read by anyone interested in truth.
— Michael J. Breen, Professor and Dean of Arts, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick