Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Center for European Policy Studies
Pages: 468
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-78660-997-7 • Hardback • January 2019 • $147.00 • (£113.00)
978-1-78660-998-4 • Paperback • January 2019 • $56.00 • (£43.00)
978-1-78660-999-1 • eBook • January 2019 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
Steven Blockmans is Senior Research Fellow and the Head of the Institutions and EU Foreign Policy units at CEPS; Professor of EU External Relations Law and Governance at the University of Amsterdam.
Sophia Russack is Researcher in the Institutions unit at CEPS, PhD candidate at Maastricht University.
Part I / 1.Introduction, CEPS, Brussels / 2. Instruments and Procedures of Direct Democracy at the EU level, CEPS, Brussels / Part II / 3. Country report Austria, Austrian Society for European Politics, Vienna / 4. Country report Bulgaria, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia / 5. Country report Czech Republic, Institute of International Relations, Prague / 6. Country report Denmark, EUROPA, Copenhagen / 7. Country report Finland, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki / 8. Country report Germany, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin / 9. Country report Greece, ELIAMEP, Athens / 10. Country report Italy, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome / 11. Country report Latvia, Latvian Institute of International Affairs, Riga / 12. Country report Poland, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw / 13. Country report Romania, European Institute of Romania, Bucharest / 14. Country report Slovakia, Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Bratislava / 15. Country report Spain, Elcano Royal Institute, Madrid / 16. Country report United Kingdom, Centre for European Reform, London / Part III / 17. How to Strengthen European Political Parties from a National Perspective, PROVIDUS, Riga / 18. Reflections on the Democratic Conventions throughout the EU, CIDOB, Barcelona / 19. ‘Civic-tech’ – Impact of digital technologies on democratic processes and political participation, WiseEuropa, Warsaw / 20. EU Storytelling and the New Narrative for Europe – Who is going to listen?, European Institute, Sofia / Part IV / 21. Conclusions and the way forward, Carnegie Europe, Brussels