Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 236
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-78660-967-0 • Hardback • September 2022 • $111.00 • (£85.00)
978-1-78660-969-4 • eBook • September 2022 • $45.00 • (£35.00)
Jeremy C A Smith is in the Institute of Education, Arts and Community at Federation University Australia. His principal research interests lie in the disciplinary fields of historical and comparative sociology and social theory. He has published in European Journal of Social Theory, Current Sociology, Critical Horizons, Thesis Eleven, Journal of Intercultural Studies, Atlantic Studies and Political Power and Social Theory. He is the author of Europe and the Americas: State Formation, Capitalism and Civilizations in Atlantic Modernity (2006) and Debating Civilizations: Interrogating Civilizational Analysis in a Global Age (2017). He is also a Managing Editor of the International Journal ofSocial Imaginaries and Rowman & Littlefield’s Social Imaginaries series. His current work revolves around the multidisciplinary fields of civilizational analysis and social imaginaries.
Part One - American Imaginaries: Dimensions of National Societies
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Making Americans: Migration and Cities as Metropolitan Imaginaries
Chapter 3: Creating Capitalism: National States and Regional Patterns
Chapter 4: Political Imaginaries, Political Traditions: Ideologies and State Formation
Part Two: Transnational Regions of the Diverse Americas
Chapter 5: The Undeclared Empire? US Power in the Western Hemisphere and Beyond
Chapter 6: A Region of Regions: Provincializing the Americas
Chapter 7: First Nations Movements and Indigenous Modernities
Chapter 8: Conclusion: Civilizational Analysis, Multiple Imaginaries, and the Diverse Americas
About the Author
This is an unusual book for our days. With a theoretically ambitious agenda and a breathtaking space-time scope, Jeremy Smith takes us through the imaginary and institutional trajectories of the modern New World. A big adventure.
— Jose Maurício Domingues, professor of sociology, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
There is no doubt that Jeremy Smith is currently the most important and creative scholar in theorizing the Americas from a macro-sociological perspective. With great cultural sensitivity his new book analyses the role of imaginaries in the making of the most important regions and national societies of this continent so that an immensely rich picture of big cities, social movements, and capitalist structures is presented to the reader who cannot do anything else but admire Smith’s theoretical and empirical expertise.
— Wolfgang Knöbl, director, Hamburg Institute for Social Research