Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 218
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-78660-944-1 • Hardback • November 2019 • $147.00 • (£113.00)
978-1-78660-945-8 • eBook • November 2019 • $139.50 • (£108.00)
Millicent Churcher is a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Sydney. Millicent’s research interests include the early modern sentimentalist philosophy of David Hume and Adam Smith, as well as contemporary studies on empathy, emotions, social imaginaries, epistemic injustice, and the (mis)recognition of difference. She has published work on these topics in Social Epistemology and Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review. Millicent’s latest research focuses on how institutions may constructively engage the imaginations and affects of social agents to facilitate ethical and political transformation.
Introduction / 1. Transformative Imaginings: (Mis)Recognition and the Social
Imaginary / 2. ‘The Secret Chain’: Adam Smith on Sympathy / 3. Failures of the Sympathetic Imagination / 4. Sympathy Reclaimed? Overcoming the Limits of the Sympathetic Imagination / 5. ‘A Happy Commerce of the Passions’: Sympathy, Sociability, and Institutions
In this book, Millicent Churcher engages with Australasian thinkers, bringing them into dialogue with social epistemology and critical race theory. This book also performs an important theoretical role of bringing into contact recent works on social imagination with their historical forebear, Adam Smith.
— Joanne Faulkner, ARC Future Fellow in Cultural Studies, Macquarie University
This timely book is a strong contribution to recent and ongoing discussions in political philosophy concerning the role of emotions and the imagination in issues of justice (including communicative and epistemic justice), recognition, social peace, identity/difference and equality.
— José Medina, Walter Dill Scott Professor of Philosophy, Northwestern University
This distinctive intervention features studies on the continuing oppression of First Nations in Australia, and a unique interpretation of Smithian virtues.
— J Smith
• Winner, 2020 David Harold Tribe Philosophy Award (2020)