Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 282
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-78660-935-9 • Hardback • July 2020 • $146.00 • (£112.00)
978-1-78660-936-6 • Paperback • July 2020 • $54.00 • (£42.00)
978-1-78660-937-3 • eBook • July 2020 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
Sarah Murru is Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL) in the Interdisciplinary Research Center of Families and Sexualities (CIRFASE), and is also Associate Researcher at the Center for the Study of International Cooperation and Development (CECID) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
Abel Polese is Senior Research Fellow, Dublin City University and Tallinn University of Technology.
Introduction: One, Ten, Thousands of Resistances and How to Make Sense of Them. Sarah Murru and Abel Polese
PART I. What Happens in the Everyday?
Chapter 1. Militant Laughter: Play and Resistance in Italian Anti-High Speed Rail Protests. Mateusz Laszczkowski
Chapter 2. Everyday Acts of Citizenship: Infrapolitical Resistance and its Political Consequences in the Age of Social Media. Bojan Baća
Chapter 3. Everyday Resistances in Gentrifying Contexts. Sandra Annunziata and Clara Rivas-Alonso
Chapter 4. Resistance Meets Prefiguration: Understanding Prefiguration and a Critical Analysis Towards the (Im)Possibilities for Practicing Hope. Mónica Soares and Sergio Martín Tapia Argüello
Chapter 5. This Is Our Home: Everyday Resistance of the Palestinians in Israel 1948-66. Marwan Darweish
PART II. What is in a Study of Resistance?
Chapter 6. Resistance as Repoliticization: The Resistance Movement Against the Mega-Prison Project in Brussels. Jérôme Pelenc
Chapter 7. Resistance to the New Green Revolution in Africa: The Revenge of Lives Over Norms. Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka and An Ansoms
Chapter 8. Drawing from Feminist Epistemologies to Research Resistance: The Case of Single Moms in Hanoi. Sarah Murru
Chapter 9. Dalit Responses to the Caste System: Rethinking Resistance. George Kunnath
Chapter 10. Research and the Lack of Politics. Cultural Resistance and the Troubled Times in Poland. Jacek Drozda
Ending Remarks: On Violence and the ‘Scholar-Activist’ Debate. Sarah Murru
About the Contributors
From France’s gilets jaunes to the native pipeline blockades in North Dakota - numerous societies confronted with the impact and the decline of a certain political and economic order, see forms of protest and resistance that cannot be embedded in nor really connected to ‘classical’ political actors and civil society. This is why a comparative work on resistances like this one is timely.
— Bruno De Cordier, Associate Professor, Conflict Research Group, Ghent University, Belgium
This work is an excellent contribution to our understanding of the complex issue of resistance in its different forms and shapes. It is a brilliant introduction to the new trends in resistances studies based on fruitful empirical research. Each chapter integrates a case study which highlights an ongoing debate commented by scholar-activists engaged in the movements they study.
— Firouzeh Nahavandi, Professor, Free University of Brussels
Resistances is a rich illustration of the interdisciplinary range, empirical scope and theoretical depths of contemporary resistance studies. It articulates a new wave by scholar-activists combining theoretical analysis with activist concerns. It brings the field forward by critically discussing earlier work and suggesting new approaches. Importantly, it argues for our engagement with the "resistance-violence nexus" and domination within the academia.
— Stellan Vinthagen