Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International
Pages: 290
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-78660-807-9 • Hardback • July 2018 • $154.00 • (£119.00)
978-1-78660-808-6 • Paperback • July 2018 • $57.00 • (£44.00)
978-1-78660-809-3 • eBook • July 2018 • $54.00 • (£42.00)
Robert Mandel is Professor of International Affairs, Lewis & Clark College (he has published 13 books and over 40 articles and book chapters on conflict and security issues, testified before the United States Congress and worked for several American intelligence agencies).
Introduction / I. Human Security: Predicaments and Paradoxes / 1. Today’s Global Human Security Predicament / 2. Paradoxes Surrounding State Protection of Citizens / 3. Futile Fear-Based State Threat Responses / 4. Distorted Fear-Based Citizen Safety Images / II. Global Case Studies about the Illusion of Protection / 5.1951 American Nuclear Bomb Attack Threat / 6. 1995 American Foreign Conventional Arms Sales Threat / 7. 1997-Present Argentine Societal Crime Spike Threat / 8. 2001-2003 American Terrorist Threat / 9. 2002-Present Global Infectious Toxic Disease Threat / 10. 2011 Japanese Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Meltdown Threat / 11. 2012-Present European Mass Refugee Influx Threat / 12. 2013-Present Global ISIS Violence Threat / 13. 2013-Present Global Cyberattack Threat / 14. 2015 Global Climate Change Threat / III. Toward Better Citizen Protection / 15. Case Analysis and Emerging Patterns / 16. Obstacles to Reducing Citizen Insecurity / 17. Enhancing Genuine Citizen Protection / Conclusion
Robert Mandel has written a thought-provoking and highly topical study of some of the most important security questions of our time. Revisiting the tensions between the transnational and national, he points to the difficulties of substantially protecting citizens but also discusses proper responses to increase trust between state and society.
— Magnus Christiansson, Stockholm University, Swedish Defence University
First book to include diverse global case studies illustrating the assumptions, challenges and illusion of citizen protection
Integrates both government and citizen deficiencies in contributing to mass public safety problems
Describes concrete policy recommendations for both government officials and private citizens to improve mass public safety